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An Engineer's Philosophy

By: Marlon

Each one of us is given a chance to enjoy life, to express it, to share with it and to love the life that was given to us. But the question is: When? How long? In what way? Can I express all of this? These questions, little by little, were answered when I came into life. However, some of these questions remain as I continue towards the journey of my life. To fully understand what is inside of these answers, let me start expressing, enumerating and telling my simple story of life.

I belong to an ordinary family. Since on my childhood, I kept on dreaming and setting on my goals in my life. I want to be on top in my academic standing. I want to be on the first section. As the years passed by and stepping another grade level, the opportunity never came into my life until I graduated. Nevertheless, I did not take it in a serious way though it hurts. I never feel self-pity; instead, I continue my studies and optimistic of aiming that goal.

High school life came. In this, another level of my life, again, to be on academically top and to be a good leader is still my aim. I am one of the students in a known school in Cebu City. I study well. I am happy I finish first year and happy to fulfill on my second year. Third year comes out and fourth year is welcome. But thinking, I'm already a graduating student in high school! Yet my aim was unreachable. Well, it's fine with me for being not one of the students in top rank but did you know what embarrasses me? Not exercising and fulfilling as a leader never came and this embarrasses me most. Maybe my best was not good enough to reach my goals or maybe it is not yet time.

Then, I have decided. I want to be an engineer! I want to be rich! I want my family to experience a life that has everything they want. I reviewed a lot for my entrance exams. Yes! I pass! I am very eager and happy to enroll in one of the prestigious school in Cebu and proud of talking up Bachelor of Electronics and Communications Engineering. My mother gives all her support to me. I go to school having my “baon” that is just very enough to go to school. No gallivanting, no malls, no luxuries, etc. My family is not that rich to give all that to me. This continues until I reach my second year. I was involved in many organizations. I even run for an SSC on Supreme Student Council HR for Engineering. Fortunately, I won! I studied hard and I am eager to understand each of my lessons. With this great effort, I was one of the Dean's Lister among all engineering students. Silently, an unexpected dilemma came. My mother told me that only including second year she could give me support. I was afraid I would stop.

However, I did not let this happen to me in aiming my ambition and life. I find ways to support my studies. I took up scholarship grants. I want a scholarship reward and take an examination. I failed but I continue. I want to continue. I went to school with only having enough for my transportation to school. Sometimes I ask. Is this really life? However, my perseverance is enough to be rooted in my mind and heart. I'm very determined to continue. Suddenly, a scholarship grant was offered to me. I was very happy. God is great. I prepared a lot. Moreover, among of those 500 applicants only 5 passed. Yes! I was one of those. At last, I have chances to finish my studies. I was able to reach part of my goal. I'm a consistent dean's lister, past President of the IECEP of our school chapter, PRO to Auditor officer of the Regional IECEP, an SK councilor, a President of Junior Jaycees of our school chapter etc. At least I have reached all of these in spite of and despite my ups and downs in life. I enjoy my life. Maybe life is really like this.

You have to express, you have to share and love your life whatever it takes, though it will take long, and though you do not know when is the right time to happen. And at this moment of my life, I am still very eager to continue my life experiencing every event that will happen and able to feel the feelings that will come—a feeling of happiness, sadness, excitement and even of love