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Kff Foundation Seminar



July 30, 2011 : SEMINAR SPEAKERS

Seminars entitled " Grow Rich Pinoy"

Topic: Section 3 " Guidelines for Growing Rich

Chapter 11 " Do It "

Chapter 12 " The End Is Only The Beginning"

Chapter 13" Conclusion: A New Beginning"

The Speakers are the following : Marvin, Mario and Naomi

Exactly 6:00 PM the meeting will start at the Kff Seminar Hall located at 061 Legaspi Street Cebu City.


July 16, 2011 : SEMINAR SPEAKERS

Seminars entitled " Grow Rich Pinoy"

Topic: Section 2 " Some Pinoy Who Are Thinking Rich

Chapter 8 " Learning Ropes "

Chapter 9 " Think It "

Chapter 10 " Learn It "

The Speakers are the following : Francis, Japeth and Kint

Exactly 6:00 PM the meeting will start at the Kff Seminar Hall located at 061 Legaspi Street Cebu City.


July 09, 2011 : SEMINAR SPEAKERS

Seminars entitled " Grow Rich Pinoy"

Topic: Section 2 " Some Pinoy Who Are Thinking Rich

Chapter 5 " Stewardship in Action "

Chapter 6 " Building Wealth Requires Hard Work "

Chapter 7 " Lesson from an Apprentice "

The Speakers are the following : Windelyn, Luciano and Brian

Exactly 6:00 PM the meeting will start at the Kff Seminar Hall located at 061 Legaspi Street Cebu City.


July 02, 2011 : SEMINAR SPEAKERS

Seminars entitled " Grow Rich Pinoy"

Topic: Section 1" What keeps Pinoy from Thinking Rich

Chapter 2 " What's Blocking You "

Chapter 3 " 11 Myths Pinoys Have About "

Chapter 4 " The 4 Types of Thinkers "

The Speakers are the following : Maribeth, Leonicel and Dayanara

Exactly 6:00 PM the meeting will start at the Kff Seminar Hall located at 061 Legaspi Street Cebu City.



Seminars entitled " Think Rich Pinoy"

Topic: Foreword " Section 1" What keeps Pinoy from Thinking Rich and Chapter 1 " Its All in your head"

The Speakers are the following : Brian, Charlyn and Erly

Exactly 6:00 PM the meeting will start at the Kff Seminar Hall located at 061 Legaspi Street Cebu City.



Seminars entitled " Think Rich Pinoy"

Chapter 13 " Getting a Partner ", Appendix A, Meet the Author

The Speakers are the following : Brian, Charlyn and Erly

Exactly 6:00 PM the meeting will start at the Kff Seminar Hall located at 061 Legaspi Street Cebu City.


June 11, 2011 : SEMINAR SPEAKERS

Seminars entitled " Think Rich Pinoy"


Chapter 7 " Larry's Seven Steps to Success ",

Chapter 8 " Doing the Numbers ",

Chapter 9 " It's the property, People! "

The Speakers are the following : Charlot, Frecy and Clark

Exactly 6:00 PM the meeting will start at the Kff Seminar Hall located at 061 Legaspi Street Cebu City.


June 04, 2011 : SEMINAR SPEAKERS

Seminars entitled " Think Rich Pinoy"


Chapter 4 " And a Woman",

Chapter 5 " An Opportunity",

Chapter 6 " It's What You Think"

The Speakers are the following : Charlot, Frecy and Clark

Exactly 6:00 PM the meeting will start at the Kff Seminar Hall located at 061 Legaspi Street Cebu City.



Seminars entitled " Think Rich Pinoy"



Chapter1 " From Widow to Winner",

Chapter 2 " A Book",

Chapter 3 "A Game"

The Speakers are the following : Ana Mae, Mary Grace and Charlot

Exactly 6:00 PM the meeting will start at the Kff Seminar Hall located at 061 Legaspi Street Cebu City.



Seminars entitled " The Unwritten Laws of Finance & Investment

Section Six: Axioms of Experience

The Speakers are the following : Raymund, Japeth and Jellyvel

Exactly 6:00 PM the meeting will start at the Kff Seminar Hall located at 061 Legaspi Street Cebu City.



Seminars entitled " The Unwritten Laws of Finance & Investment

Section Five: Laws of Finance

The Speakers are the following : Leonicel, Erly and Marc

Exactly 6:00 PM the meeting will start at the Kff Seminar Hall located at 061 Legaspi Street Cebu City.


April 30, 2011 : SEMINAR SPEAKERS

Seminars entitled " The Unwritten Laws of Finance & Investment

Section Four: Investment Laws

The Speakers are the following : Jellyvel, Noelito

Exactly 6:00 PM the meeting will start at the Kff Seminar Hall located at 061 Legaspi Street Cebu City.


April 16, 2011 : SEMINAR SPEAKERS

Seminars entitled " The Unwritten Laws of Finance & Investment

Section Three: Laws of the Cautious

The Speakers are the following : Charlot, Francis Rafael and Juliven.

Exactly 6:00 PM the meeting will start at the Kff Seminar Hall located at 061 Legaspi Street Cebu City.


March 26, 2011 : SEMINAR SPEAKERS

Seminars entitled " The Unwritten Laws of Finance & Investment

Section Two: Laws for the Innocent

The Speakers are the following : Noelito, Charlyn and Mark Japeth.

Exactly 6:00 PM the meeting will start at the Kff Seminar Hall located at 061 Legaspi Street Cebu City.


March 19, 2011 : SEMINAR SPEAKERS

Seminars entitled " The Unwritten Laws of Finance & Investment

Section One: Grandmother's Wisdom

Seminars entitled " GUERRILLA MARKETING IN 30 DAYS "

Day 30: Marketing Bugdet

The Speakers are the following : Leonicel, Clark, Marc, Jeffrey.

Exactly 6:00 PM the meeting will start at the Kff Seminar Hall located at 061 Legaspi Street Cebu City.



List of Past Seminars... Click here